Best free church PSD template – Theology Church
These free church PSD template comes with features to make a website which can be extremely useful for helping new people to find the church, which can increase the growth of the church. In order to get the right amount of aid for a church and sponsorship one needs to have a good website for the church. Website is needed to showcase and have a understanding of the great work the church does. Save money and time while using this easy to use free church PSD website PSD templates. This is very unique design, which can help you to stand out from the other church websites.
Theology Church is specially designed for Church websites. Characteristics of Theology Church designs are that it helps communicating to right audience, highlight church contact information, presents the church effectively, good presentation of ministries, and most importantly it will allow creating a unique website based on requirements. I have created these PSD templates after researching and working constantly to make the smallest details in the design perfect.
Free church PSD template to build site for
- Ministry
- Pastor
- Online Giving
- Non-profit
- Events
- Memorial
- Sermon
- Worship
- Donation
Design Features of these free church PSD template
- Smooth, Clean, Modern and specially unique design
- Almost of features included that you need to build a perfect church website
- 48 PSDs included having different variations of homepage and other pages
- Organized and layered PSD
- Easy to customize Photoshop files
- Pixel perfect and retina ready
- 12 columns responsive Bootstrap grid
- Hover effects at appropriate places
- Different styles for blogs with different variations
- Used only free fonts – Google Fonts
PSD Layers Order
- Grid
- Hover
- Header
- Body
- Our Upcoming
- Latest Sermon
- Welcome Our Church
- Latest Announce
- Sermon Series
- Blog
- Event And Mission
- Director
- What People Say About Us
- From Gallery
- Footer
- Background
48 PSD files included
- 5 Home page PSDs (With different layout styles)
- About us page PSD
- Ministry team page PSD
- 2 Sermon page PSD (With different layout styles)
- Sermon detail page PSD
- 4 Event page PSD (With different layout styles)
- Event detail page PSD
- 6 Photo gallery page PSD (With different layout styles)
- Photo popup page PSD
- 3 Video gallery PSD (With different layout styles)
- Video detail page PSD
- 3 Testimonial page PSD (With different layout styles)
- 8 Blog listing page PSDs (With different layout styles)
- Blog detail page PSD
- 3 Contact us page PSD (With different layout styles)
- Donation page PSD
- Typography page PSD (With different layout styles)
- 404 (Not found) page PSD
- Dropdown menu style PSD
- PSD for mobile version
- PSD for tablet/iPad version

After downloading, you can change any detail. I will be happy to assist you in implementing any of your ideas. If you’ve any special design and embellishments ideas then you can reach at me and we can work together to build stand out design for your site.
Check out my one page PSD template and HTML Template on ThemeForest. Best suitable for personal portfolio, small business websites, creative studio and product launch websites.