The latest stable release of WordPress Version 4.8.2 is available, upgrade WordPress version to 4.8.2 now . I strongly suggest to upgrade your WordPress installation. Ignoring WordPress version upgrade means missing out on new features, improvements, and probably risking WordPress or say website security.
Upgrade WordPress Version – Why?
WordPress is developed by a community of developers and it is freely available. With each new WordPress version, they fix bugs, enhance existing features, and add new features. It is also helpful in improving performance and keeping it up to date with industry standards. Few noteworthy reasons are:
- It helps in maintaining compatibility with new WordPress plugins.
- Improved performance with each new release. (WordPress community always trying to make things better and faster).
- It keeps WordPress website secure if new version contains security fix.
- Most importantly, to get newest features.
WordPress 4.8.2 contains 6 bug fixes including 1 security fix
You can upgrade WordPress version to get benefits for the following changes made recently. Items mentioned below are tickets created in WordPress trac for issues or problems. Resolved items are included in latest version of WordPress version.
1. Added more sanitization in “_cleanup_header_comment”. This function is used at many places but it was causing issues only while editing page.
2. Supported numbers in locales during installation. The previous regex used was bit string for some locales like pt_PT_ao90.
3. Upgraded Twemoji to 2.5.0 which is latest than previous 2.3.0 version. Old version was having rendering issues in Safari and it’s fixed with this upgrade.
4. Fixed UN flag test by returning the proper and correct value.
5. New Text Widget recognizes HTML but was not rendering it in the front end.
6. Text widget was showing DOMDocument::loadHTML() warnings in admin when is_legacy_widget method is called. For example, PHP Warning: DOMDocument::loadHTML(): Tag footer invalid in Entity, line: 3 in —\wp-includes\widgets\class-wp-widget-text.php on line 121
Click here to find detailed information on what bugs resolved in this upgrade
Things to refer before upgrade WordPress process
- The upgrade WordPress process will affect all files and folders included in the main WordPress installation, including all the core files used to execute WordPress site. You may lost your changes if you’ve made any changes to core WordPress files.
- Carefully take a look on change-logs to see a summary of bug fixes or enhancements in upgrade.
- Backup source and database before upgrade process.
Click here to see complete details on how to upgrade WordPress version whenever there is new version released.
If you face any trouble in upgrading WordPress version, than I can help in the upgrade WordPress process. You can share it via comments or submitting a contact request